Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Luxury Artistic Chairs

The previous post saddled the borders of classical practical, semi-practical, and impractical luxury with practicality determined by the level of artistic experimentation. Now it is time to go into completely insane impractical artsy territory. This will provide us with ideas of how to create a better smoother bridge between futuristic (with some first examples here) and luxurious.

here's what we mean, not comfortable at all and is more of a lamp BUT..
lol come on down and invite your guests over, one must admire the organic feel to it
cloud chair returns from a different angle, this could def levitate
very nice, almost like the bodies exhibit
This is very old school artsy, very dusty, VERY organic and leads us to the chair below
21st century version of the above
the bulbous chair made famous by our background comes in many colors
impracticality also comes with the size and weight of the chair, not necessarily the actual comfort
Dust magnet. UNLESS nanotech is somehow integrated into it.
impress your friends briefly..
impress them FURTHER, have your 20% comfortable alien world but we like the metal organic aspects..

one for the little kids and pets to play with..
grab one of these from the Saudi king's private jet and put it in your living room you'll feel like Jafar in no time
simple and fluffy
if you want backpain and to get your skirt caught in the spring BUT could be modified to be neat
I mean, it's not even artsy but it's sooo... bulbous and sort of overwhelming that I included it
wonderful :)
look closely, it's laughing at you. very nice and wooden
this is actually a rocking chair too
too much as if you're in a hotel lounge..
retro artsy classic for your grandma

this chair will appear in every post in every color since we love it so
for your spaceship kitchen

for the little ones and to collect dust

to unsettle people who know you

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Classic Luxury Chairs

Ok now we'll go for some chair archetypes to get some art ideas. Many of these are neither modern or futuristic but provide us vivid colors and raunchy gaudiness that may be useful later.

in your face impractical but look at how boldly the blue on gold hits you
this is the winner already out of the bunch since it's designed for office use
a little too close to the tomb but we must go on..
A bit Dali-esque which means edgy for a classic chair
once again, not comfortable at all but the royal blue and flower shape begins to provide ideas

a whole family of them

here's a beautiful woman sitting in one, she seems relatively content, as we can see, the chair overshadows the person

again, something between a luxury handbag, a wallet, a table turning into a chair...

more flashy and acidly raunchy

an interesting take, combines classic with virtual design pattern within the real world. Just kidding. This is just a 3D design but would be nice if it was truly integrated like that, another lightbulb lights up on our quest

classical and rather imperial

this territory is not acceptable for us. although interesting to look at it pulls not towards futuristic but neolithic era meets lady gaga

now we're talking some old fashioned sense

some weak attempt at combining classic and modern but... you see for yourself... the baby carriage imagery

the most intense one yet

perhaps the least intense one and gently oriental

the animal chair makes an appearance again, lots of potential